The Continent of Australia

Events > 2016 > March > The Continent of Australia

About this event:

Created by susanharper

We looked at the large map of the world this morning and found Australia, the continent, the country. We had talked about the Vernal Equinox earlier and talked about why, while we are heading into spring, Australia is heading into fall. We used to globe to show how that the Northern Hemisphere will be getting more sunshine than the Southern Hemisphere causing it to be opposite seasons.

We named the the states and territories of Australia and labeled a map. We briefly talked about the Aboriginal people of Australia and looked at traditional and modern designs used in artwork and decoration.

We will be doing many activities over the next few weeks. We will host two visitors: Cory Unruh, Doc’s mom, and Mia Kor, Ms. Jennifer’s daughter, who will both speak to us about their experiences when they lived in Australia.

We asked the students to share what they did over Spring Break. One student brought in a coconut and some coral and shells to share from his trip to the beach. He also brought in coconut water for everyone to try.


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