Personal Belongings List
For health, hygiene, and educational reasons, we request that the following items be brought and left in school:
School Supplies
- 1 1”Blue Binder
- 1 1” Black Binder
- 2 reams of white copy paper
- 1 package of construction paper
- 1 Sketch pad 11” x 8 1⁄2 “
- 1 composition notebook
- 1 package of sheet protectors
In-door Belongings
- 4*6 Framed picture of family
- Hair brush or comb
- 1 roll paper towels
- 1 box paper tissue
- Large bath towel or nap sack and pillow (will be sent home each week to be washed and returned for the following week)
- Tee-shirt
- Pants
- Underwear
- Socks
- Soft inside shoes.
- Large old shirt for gardening
Thank you for your cooperation.