About this event:
Ethan’s dad, Dan, came in this morning to talk to us about amphibians and to show us a few. He described the characteristics of amphibians and how they are different from other animals. We got to see a number of them up close. The first container held 3 different animals; a toad tadpole, a cricket frog tadpole that had its back legs and a siren. These were all very small and still purely aquatic. The second container held a spring peeper (tiny tree frog), a baby leopard frog and a bunch of narrow mouthed toads. They all wanted to hop out of the container. The third container held a marble salamander. It was large and slippery. The fourth container held two kinds of tree frogs: green tree frogs and a squirrel tree frog. They were clinging to the side so you could see the suction action on their toes. The last container held two fat American toads. The smaller one kept trying to hop out but the big one sat calmly, letting us pet it. We learned a lot about these animals. We learned about how some frogs and toads will care for their eggs and young. We learned about where they lay their eggs. We learned what they eat and where to find them. Dan described their calls and did an American toad call for us to hear. We had a great time. Thanks Dan!