About this event:
For children participating in the Full Day program, please remember to send their sleeping gear. One personal sleeping item will be sufficient. Please encourage your children to be responsible for their things by setting aside their items for their first day of school.
We had a wonderful first full day! It was a lot of new today. We have a new classroom arrangement, a new play and lunch schedule and a new cot arrangement. The children have been very flexible and receptive to the changes.
At group time this morning we continued talking about animals of the arctic region. We talked about adaptation, migration and hibernation. We looked at how big a polar bear is and the life cycle of a polar bear. We learned that there are several kinds of hibernation and that animals that live in desert regions can also go into a form of hibernation (estivation) when there are extreme drought conditions.
The children are getting back into their routines and worked happily. Next week’s letter is I. Have a wonderful weekend!