About this event:
Monday: We learned more about the geography of Antarctica. We learned that when leaving Antarctica, you will always be traveling north. We looked at different physical features that occur on Antarctica. Mt. Erebus is an active volcano topped with a lava lake. We learned that the Ross Ice Shelf is the size of France and that glacier are frozen rivers that move very slowly.
Tuesday: Today at group time we reviewed how to put work away appropriately. We looked at some vintage quilt tops and a book about the Quilts of Gee’s Bend. We shared a book about Penguins and looked at toy Antarctic animals that Gage brought in. These included a sperm whale, killer whale, beluga whale, leopard seal, King penguin and a jackass penguin. So, if your child starts talking about a jackass penguin you will understand that it is the common name of the Spheniscus demersus, not some wiseacre penguin.
Wednesday: After some more research I found out why the Jackass penguin is called that. It is an African penguin that brays like a donkey. We watched a video about them today at group time. We also measured a Minke whale. Louise shared a book with us about baby Humpback whales. We watched a portion of March of the Penguins before going outside. We rehearsed our poem and songs and warmly welcomed Ms. Yvonne back from her unexpectedly extended trip to Washington, D.C..
Thursday: We had a later group time today because we had visitors and everyone was working so hard. We looked at a PowerPoint of animals of Antarctica. Due to the construction of a new section of fence on the playground, play was restricted to the deck and concrete area. It was nice to see all the parents this morning. Thank you for your visits!