Preparation for Papermaking/Parts of a Seed

Events > 2016 > April > Preparation for Papermaking/Parts of a Seed

About this event:

Created by susanharper

This morning, several students helped cut construction paper into tiny pieces to add to our paper pulp (made from newspaper). We will soak our pulp, grind it with a blender, and using a mold and deckle, pull paper this week.

We started an experiment this morning. We are germinating bean seeds in a jar using a wet paper towel so that students can observe what normally happens underground. We will watch as the seeds swell and the first root (radicle) appears. In a few days the cotelydon will separate and the stem will appear, soon the first leaves will appear. We have transplanted bean seedlings to the garden in the past and will attempt to do it again so that the students can observe the life cycle of a bean plant.