About this event:
We had a great time at Blueberry Havens this morning. We picked lots of sweet, juicy blueberries! Some of them even made it back to school. The students worked in teams to pick berries for the class or worked with parents to fill buckets to take home. It was very hot work. We cooled off in the bus and rehydrated. We recommend this as a family activity if your family likes organically grown blueberries for $8 a gallon (you pick). They also sell blueberry plants for $5 each. The address is 1612 Rainbow Drive, Camp Hill, AL. Visit their Facebook page for more information.
It is an easy drive from Auburn. Take N.College Street north past the fisheries to the flashing light, turn left onto County road 72. Follow this until it runs into county road 73, bear/turn left. In less than a mile you will see recycling containers on the left, turn left here onto Valley Road. Follow this until it runs into Churchill Road, turn left. You will see the signs for blueberries, follow them to Rainbow Drive, turn right and follow the dirt road about .4 mile to the entrance on the left.