Trace various Sea Animals on Butcher Paper

Events > 2016 > June > Trace various Sea Animals on Butcher Paper

About this event:

Created by yvonnemcginty

With the weather rather precarious this afternoon we decided to stay indoors and enjoy a variety of activities. Ms. Yvonne brought a horseshoe crab shell she found when kayaking to Little Tybee Island, and she brought her two nieces that kayaked with her! The children were particularly interested to learn the horseshoe crab is a living fossil. It has been on Earth some 220 million years, longer than dinosaurs! And it survives today almost identical to its ancient ancestors. After our lesson on horseshoe crabs students chose a variety of activities including our very own Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers (aka: Kevin and Lila). The best part of the day is seeing the children asking their parents “Just one more minute, come see all my work”. We enjoyed parent guests who came in the classroom to read a story and listen to the children sing the “Water Cycle Song”. My neices Mary Alice and Isabella so enjoyed meeting your children, reading to them and helping them make origami fish in Chineese Art. 







