6 Kingdoms of Living Things

Events > 2016 > September > 6 Kingdoms of Living Things

About this event:

Created by susanharper

We will introduce the 6 Kingdoms of Living Things to students, focusing primarily on the Animal Kingdom.

We reviewed living and nonliving things. I talked about humans being curious, always wanting to bring order to our world. A long time ago scientists began to categorize things. First, as living or nonliving. Later they divided the living things into animals and plants and now, as we have learned more about the world around us, we have six divisions. I talked briefly about the first 3 kingdoms naming the things students might be familiar with: bacteria, algae, seaweed…then we moved on to fungi (mushrooms). I told them a biology joke, “What happened when the  alga and the fungus got together? They took a Lichen to one another!” as we observed lichen on a tree. We got to the animal kingdom which we will look at more closely tomorrow.