Ownership of Responsibilities

This short week was filled with many valuable lessons, and a community discussion on what is means to get ready for school was on the top of the list. The children listed a set of duties that had to be done each morning before coming to school.  As you can see from the list, the morning routine is not only lengthy, but contains multi-stepped skills, and would undoubtedly get more challenging for parents as the number of family members increase.  The list of activities are being made available to you to review with your child and hopefully reassess your morning routines by considering preparation time and a reassignment of family responsibilities.  Holding your children  accountable for taking ownership of their responsibilities to become a productive member of the family should not be taken lightly, as it is a precursor to the development of self discipline.  The children composed this list of morning tasks: wake up, snuggle, get out of bed, morning prayers, make bed, use the bathroom, take off pajamas, take a bath, choose clothes, put on clothes, brush teeth, brush hair, prepare breakfast, set table, eat breakfast, clean up, put dishes away, pack lunch, feed pets, watch TV, read a book, gather water bottle, lunch bags, backpacks, purses, bags, sleeping gear, stuffed toys, get into car, buckle in, drive to school, get to school early.