
Cosmic Study

This month of September is dedicated to introducing the children to the scientific facts related to the cosmos.  We began with the impressionistic interpretation of the First Great Lesson. The big Bang, the expansion of space, collection of particles, combination of elements, making of planets, galaxies, solar systems, and properties that define our solar system […]

Grandparents Day

Our celebration of grandparents included a recitation of our August and September poems, the rainbow and ‘dem bones songs, and a dance to ‘Our Grandparents’.  We ended with the sharing of a beautiful assortment of light snacks and drinks.  Thank you parents, for all of your corporation on making this a memorable experience for all […]

Peace Education

Another bright and productive week has flown by, beginning with a Parents Meeting that reinforced a strong sense of community and friendship. Our children have much to gain from such good role models!  Our week continued on with our lessons on the human body and other trickier topics like building relationships.  As your little ones […]

“Today we talked about the digestive system and how it is a very long tube that runs through the body. We touched on how all the systems work together to keep us healthy and alive. We measured a length of clothesline to concretely illustrate its length. First we measured the approximate length of the mouth, […]

Character Hands

Congratulations! You and your children have successfully completed the first week of school!  We are excited to see so many enthusiastic and happy faces each morning.  Adapting to new changes are certainly going to be a challenge for some, but we have confidence in your children’s ability to rise to the occasion.  Every child in […]

Greens and Beans

Greens and Beans prepared meals are catching on nicely.  Children are trying and liking oranges, carrots, grapes, cucumbers, tomatoes, apples, blueberries, watermelon, honeydew melon, rice, fried rice, chicken, and meatloaf.  A few children have chosen not to eat at snack or lunch and are affected by its natural consequences.  The foods that our children are […]

Bean Bag Game

The children are quickly settling into the daily routine, opening the doors to spontaneous small group lessons.  Our photo shows our littlest ones engaged in a bean bag game identifying parts of their body.  

First Montessori School Day

We had our first Montessori School Day until 5:30 pm!  First prepared school meals for lunch, first nap day and first day with every student present.  We had our first Peace lesson, learned our August poem, had our first practice Fire drill, and had our first introduction to straight lines and the use of rulers. […]

First Day of School

  What a wonderful first day of school! Thank you for supporting your teachers this morning in making your child’s transition to school such a pleasant experience.  Your short and sweet good byes certainly did the trick.  Let’s keep that up!  Your children took instructions and willingly cooperated in the morning routine, whole group session, […]

Fall Project

This past Saturday, some families came together to trim the vines of the “dark forest”, wash and organize the outdoor equipment, plant a row of hosta along the fence, rake up leaves, gather dead branches, weed the vegetable garden, and enjoy some Bar-B-Que.  Thank you for your dedication to keeping our school a safe place […]